Governance Training 2024/25
The Governance Training & Development Offer for the 2024/25 school year is below. It has been developed further by using the feedback from last year and we are confident that it offers excellent value for money and a comprehensive offer to all schools and academies.
Development Training Courses
A programme of training sessions and seminars has been designed to support the development of governors, trustees and board members. The training is spread throughout the school year and is a mixture of online and face to face sessions. Some training will have more than one cohort each year and additional cohorts will be offered where demand is high. Many of the options have more than one session to attend – booking online for session one will automatically include booking all of the sessions.
Cost - This training is included at no extra cost if you have subscribed to the Learn Sheffield or RoSIS subscription offer which includes the governance training package. For non-subscribing schools and academies, the cost is £95 per person per session. Exceptions are the Induction Training, which is £250 per person for the three sessions, and the accredited Safer Recruitment Training, which is £150 per person. The Safer Recruitment Refresher Training is £95 per person.
Attendance Training for Governors & Trustees |
Course Information
This session will cover:
- Understanding the information about absence and attendance
- What the law says about attendance and absence
- Your school's attendance policy and procedure
- What questions should governors be asking about attendance
- Attendance of pupils on part time timetables or attending alternative provision.
Audience: All Governors
Trainer: Helen Lane, Learn Sheffield Improvement Partner
Cohort One
Date/Times |
Venue |
Session 1:
6 February 2025
5.30-7.00pm |
Online |
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Chair’s Development |
Course Information
This course will develop key leadership skills and knowledge and to understand the role. To understand your own leadership style, strengths and areas for development. Delegates will be able to develop an action plan to develop their own boards. Understand the education landscape and working with leaders and the clerk. Understand how the governors and trustees fit into school improvement and how to be effective in leading the board in effectively challenging the school or MAT on its performance. There will be opportunities to work and network with other chairs. The course will run over more than one session, to enable between session actions and reflection. Please note that governors must commit to attending all three training sessions to make the most of this training.
Audience: Chairs, Vice chairs and aspiring Chairs.
Trainer: Mark Coppel, Education Governance Specialist
Cohort One
Cohort Two
Book Now on Eventbrite
Date/Times |
Venue |
Date/Times |
Venue |
Session 1:
23 January 2025
5.30-8.00pm |
Online |
Session 1:
16 April 2025
5.30-8.00pm |
Online |
Session 2:
30 January 2025
5.30-8.00pm |
Session 2:
1 May 2025
5.30-8.00pm |
Session 3:
12 February 2025
5.30-8.00pm |
Session 3:
14 May 2025
5.30-8.00pm |
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Fundamentals of MAT Governance |
Course Information
This session will look at the structures, organisation and culture of multi academy trusts (MATs) and the roles within them. The course will cover the different types of MATs and the essential documentation that governs their work, with a focus on the importance of the local tier of governance, the value they bring, and how they sit within the trust as a whole.
Audience: New, recently appointed, or current Local Governing Board members, or governors of maintained schools who are exploring academy conversion.
Trainer: Chasca Twyman, Governance Consultant
Cohort One
Date/Times |
Venue |
Session 1:
21 October 2024
6.00-8.00pm |
Online |
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GDPR for Governors |
Course Information
This session will provide governors with an overview of school and governors’ roles around Data Protection and Freedom of Information against the background of the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into force in May 2018.The session will support governors in understanding the school’s responsibilities as a data controller and will cover best practice in drafting and updating policies and procedures, managing information risks and also in dealing with information requests and data breaches. The session will be delivered by a Certified GDPR Practitioner who acts as a Data Protection Officer for a number of schools in Sheffield.
Audience: All Governors
Trainer: Andy Wynne, Learn Sheffield Data Protection Officer and Governance Lead
Cohort One
Date/Times |
Venue |
Session 1:
26 February 2025
5.30-7.00pm |
Online |
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Governors Role in Health and Safety |
Course Information
By the end of this short course, governors will have a clear understanding of the role of the employer in managing health and safety in school and in particular, the role of governors. The course will enable governors to gain an understanding of how health and safety is enforced under current legislation. Governors will also consider the importance of risk assessment.
The course will also enable governors to understand where they can go for support and advice in effectively managing health and safety in school.
Audience: All Governors, particularly with a responsibility for health & safety
Trainer: Jamie Clark, Head of Estates & Facilities, Five Rivers MAT
Cohort One
Date/Times |
Venue |
Session 1:
4 March 2025
5.30-6.30pm |
Online |
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Headteacher Performance Management/Appraisal |
Course Information
A key role of governors is to hold the headteacher to account for the day-to day running of the school. This session is designed to support governors fulfil this statutory duty.
The session will outline what makes a good and effective appraisal, the structure and regulation around the process, key paperwork to ensure consistency and setting and reviewing objectives supported by the external advisor.
The session aims to give a clear understanding of the role description of the headteacher and the way that head teacher’s standards are used in setting performance objectives how it works in practice, and the elements that contribute to the performance of a good school.
The session will update governors on recent changes to pay and conditions guidelines as they affect performance management and setting pay
Audience: All Governors involved in HT Performance Management
Trainer: Beverly Nicholson (Learn Sheffield Improvement partner) and Susanna Bradbury (Governance Manager)
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Holding School Leaders to Account |
Course Information
This course focuses on the essential behaviours involved in governors holding school leaders to account. We will look at the key questions – What to hold leaders to account for at your school? And how do you hold someone to account for things they probably know more about than you?
Audience: All Governors
Trainer: Mark Coppel, Education Governance Specialist
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Online Safety for Governors |
Course Information
This course will examine what is meant by Online Safety in 2024/25. It will look at the major safeguarding risks in the online space and correlate them with the concerns and experiences of children and young people in Sheffield.
Audience: All Governors
Trainer: Sue Finnigan, Learn Sheffield Education Consultant
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Public Sector Equality Duty Training for Governors |
Course Information
This session will help governors to understand the main principles of the Public Sector Equality Duty, what they need to do to ensure compliance with duty, and how the duty fits into the inspection framework.
Audience: All Governors
Trainer: Sai Patel, Learn Sheffield Improvement Partner
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Pupil Premium Strategy |
Course Information
This workshop will focus on how schools will be inspected under the Education Inspection Framework (EIF). It will provide information about types of inspection and the four judgement areas in the EIF as well as insights into how inspectors gather and evaluate evidence in EIF inspections. The governance aspects of the leadership and management judgement area and the role of governors in inspections will also be included in the workshop.
Please note that it is recommended that you attend both sessions
Audience: All Governors
Trainer: Huntington Research School
Cohort One
Date/Times |
Venue |
Session 1:
7 October 2024
6.00-7.00pm |
Online |
Session 2:
12 November 2024
6.00-7.00pm |
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Research Led Practice |
Course Information
A key priority of the city’s education policy is to promote research and evidence-based practice in schools and settings. This session will look at research-based learning and help governors to understand what it is and to consider examples in which research-led practice is used to improve schools. The course will enable governors to understand the role of the governing body in promoting and monitoring a research-led approach. If you have attended a similar session in the past this briefing will still be of use as we will also look in more detail at what the research has to say about successful implementation of initiatives in school and the features of effective teacher professional development.
The session will:
- Give delegates an overview of the educational research and summaries that already exist to support different aspects of school improvement
- Introduce governors to the research informed guidance and assistance that exists for schools when implementing change
- Guide governors in the sort of challenge questions that they can bring to senior management teams in relation to their use of the existing research to support school improvement
Audience: All Governors
Trainer: Alastair Gittner, Research Lead for the Sheffield Associate Research School.
Cohort One
Date/Times |
Venue |
Session 1:
5 February 2025
6.00-8.00pm |
Online |
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Responding to Complaints – The Role of the Governing Board |
Course Information
It is a statutory responsibility for governing boards to adopt and publish their policy and procedures for managing complaints. Dealing with complaints can be a daunting prospect for governors and this course aims to provide you with the skills to undertake this process confidently.
During the course we will cover:
- The complaints policy - regulations and best practice
- How to manage the stages within the policy
- Good practice when investigating a complaint
- The role of the complaints panel
Audience: All Governors
Trainer: Chasca Twyman, Governance Consultant.
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Reviewing Board Effectiveness |
Course Information
Regular evaluation supports boards to monitor and improve the quality and impact of governance, and ultimately the outcomes for the pupils in their setting.
This session examines what effective governance looks like and how this can be developed through regular skills audits and by reviewing the structures in place. It will look at how well governors work together, participate in discussions, and demonstrate effective challenge.
The session will cover the tools and methods for self-evaluation and independent assessments of effectiveness through external reviews, and how the board can use these to develop their practices and identify areas for further training.
Audience: All Governors
Trainer: Chasca Twyman, Governance Consultant
Cohort One
Date/Times |
Venue |
Session 1:
8 January 2025
6.00-8.00pm |
Online |
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Roles and Responsibilities of the Link Governor |
Course Information
Truly understanding the role of governance and the three core functions. Where the roles and responsibilities lie depending on if you are a MAT, or a maintained or academy school. For MATs understanding the three tiers of governance (members, trustees and local), the scheme of delegation and where the three core functions lie. Ensuring leaders understand the roles and responsibilities of governors at different levels.
Audience: All Governors
Trainer: Mark Coppel, Education Governance Specialist
Cohort One
Date/Times |
Venue |
Session 1:
6 November 2024
5.30-7.00pm |
Online |
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Safer Recruitment for Governors and School Leaders |
Course Information
This Safer Recruitment course is designed for all staff and governors involved in school recruitment. The course will look at the ways we can identify and deter unsuitable candidates, while embedding a strong safeguarding ethos into the culture of your school.
KCSIE 2024 states that ‘It is vital that as part of their whole school or college approach to safeguarding governing bodies and proprietors create a culture that safeguards and promotes the welfare of children in their school or college. As part of this culture, it is important that they adopt robust recruitment procedures that deter and prevent people who are unsuitable to work with children from applying for or securing employment, or volunteering opportunities in schools and colleges.’ and ‘Governing bodies and proprietors should ensure that those involved with the recruitment and employment of staff to work with children have received appropriate safer recruitment training.’
This course is accredited by the Safer Recruitment Consortium and has been updated to take account of recent legislative changes.
Audience: Senior Leaders, Governors, School Business Managers and staff involved in HR and recruitment
Trainer: Sai Patel and Susanna Bradbury Learn Sheffield
Cohort One
Cohort Two
Full Day Session (lunch not provided) |
Full Day Session (lunch not provided) |
Date/Times |
Venue |
Date/Times |
Venue |
Session 1:
24 October 2024
9.00-4.00pm |
Learn Sheffield |
Session 1:
6 March 2025
9.00-4.00pm |
Learn Sheffield |
Cohort Three
Book Now on Eventbrite
Cohort Four
Book Now on Eventbrite
Full Day Session (lunch not provided) |
Half Day Session Please note that you will need to be able to attend both sessions |
Date/Times |
Venue |
Date/Times |
Venue |
Session 1:
20 May 2025
9.00-4.00pm |
Learn Sheffield |
Session 1:
10 June 2025
1.00-4.30pm |
Learn Sheffield |
Session 2:
17 June 2025
1.00-4.30pm |
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Safer Recruitment Refresher Training for Governors and School Leaders |
Course Information
This Safer Recruitment course is designed for all staff and governors involved in school recruitment. The course will look at the ways we can identify and deter unsuitable candidates, while embedding a strong safeguarding ethos into the culture of your school.
KCSIE 2024 states that ‘It is vital that as part of their whole school or college approach to safeguarding governing bodies and proprietors create a culture that safeguards and promotes the welfare of children in their school or college. As part of this culture, it is important that they adopt robust recruitment procedures that deter and prevent people who are unsuitable to work with children from applying for or securing employment, or volunteering opportunities in schools and colleges.’ and ‘Governing bodies and proprietors should ensure that those involved with the recruitment and employment of staff to work with children have received appropriate safer recruitment training.’
This course is accredited by the Safer Recruitment Consortium and has been updated to take account of recent legislative changes.
Audience: Senior Leaders, Governors, School Business Managers and staff involved in HR and recruitment, who have previously completed the full day training in Safer Recruitment.
Delegates are required to provide evidence of this when registering on the course.
Trainer: Susanna Bradbury/Sai Patel, Learn Sheffield
Cohort One
Cohort Two
Date/Times |
Venue |
Date/Times |
Venue |
Session 1:
26 February 2025
9.00-1.00pm |
Learn Sheffield |
Session 1:
5 March 2025
9.00-1.00pm |
Learn Sheffield |
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Special Education Needs and the SEND Code of Practice / Inclusive Schools |
Course Information
This session will provide an overview for school governors of the SEND Code of Practice and Sheffield's procedures around SEND including its graduated approach strategy. The session will cover the role of the governing body and the legal duties of schools and governors in respect to special educational needs and disabilities.
Audience: All Governors
Trainer: Nick Whittaker, Education Consultant, Learn Sheffield
Cohort One
Date/Times |
Venue |
Session 1:
10 December 2024
5.30-7.30pm |
Online |
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Suspension and Exclusions Training for Governors & Trustees |
Course Information
This course will cover the key processes and requirements for schools considering suspending and excluding pupils. It will draw upon national guidance and good practice in ensuring that decisions to suspend and exclude pupils are rational, proportionate and fair and that governors provide robust oversight and scrutiny of decisions to suspend or exclude pupils.
Audience: All Governors
Trainer: John Bigley, Sheffield City Council
Cohort One
Cohort Two
Date/Times |
Venue |
Date/Times |
Venue |
Session 1:
27 November 2024
5.30-7.00pm |
Online |
Session 1:
4 March 2025
5.30-7.00pm |
Online |
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Understanding how to fulfil the financial oversight role (academy trust governance) |
Course Information
At the end of this session, participants will have a better understanding of how trust funding works and how to ensure that their trust’s finances are being well spent. They will also know how to meet the expectations of the trustee financial oversight role, including meeting the compliance obligations arising under the Academy Trust Handbook, charity and company law.
Audience: Governors of academy trusts
Trainer: David Werry, Governance Consultant
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Understanding how to fulfil the financial oversight role (maintained school governance) |
Course Information
At the end of this session, participants will be more confident in ensuring that their school finances are being well spent and managed and that it gets value for money while making an impact.
Audience: Governors of maintained schools
Trainer: David Werry, Governance Consultant
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Understanding School Performance Data: Primary |
Course Information
This course will guide governors in primary settings to better understand the role of pupil performance data in monitoring school improvement and the impact of the curriculum, learning and teaching. It will include:
- Understanding the information from national tests and examinations
- The difference between progress and attainment
- Interpreting your school's IDSR (governors should bring a copy of the school's IDSR with them to the training)
- What questions should governors be asking about performance data
Audience: Governors of primary settings
Trainer: Helen Lane, Learn Sheffield Improvement Partner
Cohort One
Date/Times |
Venue |
Session 1:
7 November 2024
5.30-6.30pm |
Online |
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Understanding School Performance Data: Secondary |
Course Information
This course will guide governors in secondary settings to better understand the role of pupil performance data in monitoring school improvement and the impact of the curriculum, learning and teaching. It will include:
- Understanding the information from national tests and examinations
- The difference between progress and attainment
- Interpreting your school's IDSR (governors should bring a copy of the school's IDSR with them to the training)
- What questions should governors be asking about performance data
Audience: Governors of secondary settings
Trainer: Helen Lane, Learn Sheffield Improvement Partner
Cohort One
Date/Times |
Venue |
Session 1:
13 November 2024
5.30-6.30pm |
Online |
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Visioning and Vision Setting |
Course Information
This course will cover:
- The importance of vision and setting the strategic direction in governance
- How having the right vision informs governance work (agenda setting, performance management, school/trust improvement, board self-evaluation)
- Understanding the difference between a vision, a mission statement and school values
- The process of setting a vision and what makes a good vision
Audience: All Governors
Trainer: Mark Coppel, Education Governance Specialist
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