Research Twilights

Research Twilights 2023/24

This programme of Research Twilights continues to be a collaboration between Learn Sheffield and Huntington Research School. It is now delivered in partnership with RoSIS. Learn Sheffield and RoSIS subscribing schools will have unlimited access to the programme. For non-subscribing schools each session will be charged at £95 per person.

All sessions will continue to be online and be recorded so that colleagues who cannot attend can still access the learning.

For any queries, please contact enquiries at


Event Name Date/Time Description  
What does the research tell us about improving behaviour for the classroom practitioner? 21 September 2023

This session is designed to support you to make better-informed decisions about your behaviour strategies. We will focus on proactive strategies such as knowing and understanding your pupils, and explicitly teaching the behaviours you expect to see. For practitioners working in both primary and secondary settings.

Delivered by: Julie Kettlewell.

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What does the research tell us about curriculum and assessment for the classroom practitioner? 22 November 2023

In this session we will explore the best available evidence around teaching and learning that supports a cohesive curriculum. This will be underpinned by cognitive science and the role of assessment as these play a critical role in long term learning.

For practitioners working in both primary and secondary settings.

Delivered by: Jane Elsworth.

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What does the research tell us about improving writing for the classroom practitioner? 16 January 2024

Improving writing: we ask pupils to put pen to paper to demonstrate their understanding nearly every lesson of every day, so what does the evidence tell us will help in supporting with this most frequent of acts? This session will look at the process of writing and consider the role of scaffolding and metacognition in helping pupils become successful writers.

For practitioners working in both primary and secondary settings.

Delivered by: Marcus Jones.

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What does the research tell us about parental engagement for the classroom practitioner? 25 January 2024

In this session we will look at four evidence-based recommendations to support parental engagement in children’s learning. We will look at strategies to support you when working with parents-particularly those from disadvantaged homes.

For practitioners working in both primary and secondary settings.

Delivered by: Julie Kettlewell.

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What does the research tell us about improving attendance for the classroom practitioner? 6 February 2024

In this session we will explore: the current national position on attendance, what the available evidence tells us about supporting good attendance, especially about working together with parents and families. Followed by time to reflect on how we might use this to inform work in our own unique contexts.

For practitioners working in both primary and secondary settings.

Delivered by: Jane Elsworth.

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What does the research tell us about developing reading and oracy for the classroom practitioner? 20 February 2024

We will look at the breadth of skills required to be a successful reader and consider how schools may need to target their focus in certain areas. This session will also consider the crucial role of talk and discussion as a fundamental element in effective reading and how we can strategically support quality talk in the classroom.

For practitioners working in both primary and secondary settings.

Delivered by: Marcus Jones.

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What does the research tell us about cognitive science for the classroom practitioner? 14 March 2024

In this session we will look at how children learn. If we know how they process and retain information, we can adapt our approach to teaching accordingly and in turn, increase effectiveness. We will look at how this understanding can be applied in the classroom, which has the potential to improve outcomes for all children.

For practitioners working in both primary and secondary settings.

Delivered by: Julie Kettlewell.

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What does the research tell us about communication and language in the Early Years for the classroom practitioner? 15 April 2024

We will look at the importance of developing communication and language in the early years and where the research leads us in terms of practical strategies to implement across your setting.

For practitioners working in the early years phase.

Delivered by: Rob Newton.

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What does the research tell us about Special Educational Needs for the classroom practitioner? 8 May 2024

The session will use the Special Education Needs in Mainstream Schools Guidance Report from the EEF to explore the evidence that is pertinent to the classroom practitioner. This will include creating an inclusive environment, understanding needs and what we mean by high quality teaching. For practitioners working in both primary and secondary settings.

Delivered by: Jane Elsworth.

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