Research Twilights

Research Twilights 2024/25

This programme of Research Twilights continues to be a collaboration between Learn Sheffield and Huntington Research School. It is also delivered in partnership with RoSIS. All sessions will continue to be online and be recorded so that colleagues who cannot attend can still access the learning.

Schools who have bought the Core Subscription Offer will have unlimited access (subject to availability) to this programme. Settings who have not purchased the Core Subscription offer can access this programme at £95 per session.

For any queries about the content of the programme or whether your setting has purchased this subscription, please contact

Colleagues can book on the sessions below using the booking links.


What does the research tell us about putting evidence to work for the classroom practitioner?

Course Overview

In this twilight we will be exploring the key messages from two new resources. The updated EEF ‘Guidance Report: A School’s Guide to Implementation’ and ‘Using research evidence: A concise guide’. Based on an extensive review of the evidence on implementation and evidence use in schools, this twilight will outline the elements that support effective implementation of evidence-informed change in the classroom.

Audience: School middle and senior leaders in both primary and secondary settings

Trainer Information: Jane Elsworth, Huntington Research School

Date Venue  
16 October 2024
Online Finished
What does the research tell us about supporting pupils with SEND for the classroom practitioner?

Course Overview

The session will use the ‘Special Education Needs in Mainstream Schools Guidance Report’ from the EEF to explore the evidence that is pertinent to the classroom practitioner. This will include creating an inclusive environment, understanding needs and what we mean by high quality teaching.

Audience: Classroom practitioners in both primary and secondary settings

Trainer Information: Julie Kettlewell, Huntington Research School

Date Venue  
14 November 2024
Online Finished
What does the research tell us about supporting vocabulary at the transition for the classroom practitioner?

Course Overview

Making that move from primary to secondary is a significant one. Through evidence and case studies this session will look at the role vocabulary can play in aiding this transition.

Audience: Classroom practitioners, as well as year and transition leaders, in both primary and secondary settings

Trainer Information: Marcus Jones, Huntington Research School

Date Venue  
3 February 2025
Online Finished
What does the research tell us about supporting learning behaviours at the transition, for the classroom practitioner?

Course Overview

Building on the previous twilight looking at the role that vocabulary can play in aiding the transition from primary to secondary school, this twilight will look at the role of learning behaviours. We will consider how secondary schools need to build upon the explicit teaching of these that has happened at primary school and ensure that they complement each other effectively.

Audience: Classroom practitioners, as well as year and transition leaders, in both primary and secondary settings

Trainer Information: Julie Kettlewell, Huntington Research School

Date Venue  
13 February 2025
Online Finished
What does the research tell the practitioner about developing self-regulated learners? (PART 1)

Course Overview

This twilight session is based upon the ‘Metacognition and self-regulation Guidance Report’ and will look at what we mean by self-regulation and the practices that can be used to develop this across all phases. We will look at the case studies and provide tools so you can implement this in your own setting.

Audience: Practitioners in all settings, from early years to post-16

Trainer Information: Julie Kettlewell and Rob Newton Huntington Research School

Date Venue  
13 March 2025
Online Finished
What does the research tell the practitioner about developing self-regulated learners? (PART 2)

Course Overview

This twilight builds upon the previous introduction but looks more specifically at developing independent learners.

Audience: Practitioners in all settings, from early years to post-16

Trainer Information: Julie Kettlewell and Rob Newton Huntington Research School

Date Venue  
27 March 2025
Online Book Now