Sheffield eLearning Service
The focus of the Sheffield eLearning Service is to improve outcomes for children and young people through the effective and purposeful use of learning technologies, in order to help them reach their full potential in an increasingly digital world.
We support schools in Sheffield and nationally to implement the Computing curriculum effectively, through strategic support for senior leaders to develop their computing provision, staff training, teaching exemplar lessons and the development of computing resources. In Sheffield we have developed a comprehensive Primary Computing Scheme of Work, which is available for all Learn Sheffield subscribers to access. In addition we have written a computing scheme of work for teachers working with students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND Computing Scheme), which is being used in schools all around the country.
We run the Subject Leader Network Meeting for Computing on behalf of Learn Sheffield and RoSiS and the Secondary Computing at School Community meetings in Sheffield and deliver a program of courses on behalf of the National Centre for Computing Education at Learn Sheffield. We can also advise schools on the wider use of education technology to support teaching and learning, including the effective use of assistive technologies.
For more information about the Service please visit