Data Workshops

These workshops are part of the new Data, Assessment and Outcomes menu. These half-day workshops will support settings to describe and contextualise their data to demonstrate the impact of their provision on pupil outcomes. These workshops will take place at Learn Sheffield and each setting can bring multiple delegates. The price below is per setting, not per delegate.

Full Price
5% Disc.
10% Disc.
15% Disc.
Primary Data Workshops Secondary Data Workshops

Primary Data Workshops

Primary Data Workshops

Course Overview

This session will support schools to develop the way that they present their data and other impact measures to demonstrate the impact of their work on pupils' outcomes. This narrative will be helpful when the school is inspected but will also frame the setting’s self-evaluation to support improvement planning.

This session will cover:

  • A school's context and published data
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Developing a narrative to show the impact of the school's work
  • Ungraded and graded inspections

Please note, the dates below are repeat sessions, you only need to book one session. You also only need to book one place per setting as settings can bring multiple members of staff.

Trainer: Peter Heaton and Diane Stokes Learn Sheffield Improvement Partners and Kate Wilkinson, Data Consultant

Date Venue  
7 November 2024
Learn Sheffield Book Now
7 November 2024
Learn Sheffield Book Now
29 November 2024
Learn Sheffield Book Now
29 November 2024
Learn Sheffield Book Now


All prices excl. VAT