2024/25 Subscription Offer
The Learn Sheffield Subscription offer for 2024/25 is below, including a booklet containing information about the offer. This sits alongside a recorded update from our CEO Stephen Betts introducing the new revised offer. The new subscription model is different to the previous offer and is much more flexible, so we hope that the recording will be a helpful place to start!
If you have any questions or queries, please contact us at enquiries@learnsheffield.co.uk.
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Curriculum Menu
The options in the curriculum theme of the menu are below:
This includes off-site desktop review, followed by two full days on-site (i.e. one LSIP for two days or two LSIPs for one day). A report can be added if required, typically costing £375 or half a day.
This includes one day on-site: reviewing documents with the subject leader, carrying out a subject review alongside the subject leader and agreeing an on-site summary note of the visit.
This includes two twilight sessions for senior and curriculum leaders and a single subject review (as above) to provide an opportunity for the group to develop their understanding of subject review methodology.
Individual places and access to the full
programme can be bought for the Subject
Leader Networks plus other programmes
available in the Sheffield Members and Core
Subscription offers.
Prices available on request.
Other specific curriculum programmes will
be published later, including the Personal
Development and RSHE programme, which
will continue to support the delivery of
RSHE and associated areas of learning.
Prices available on request as programmes
are published.
All prices excl. VAT