2024/25 Subscription Offer
The Learn Sheffield Subscription offer for 2024/25 is below, including a booklet containing information about the offer. This sits alongside a recorded update from our CEO Stephen Betts introducing the new revised offer. The new subscription model is different to the previous offer and is much more flexible, so we hope that the recording will be a helpful place to start!
If you have any questions or queries, please contact us at enquiries@learnsheffield.co.uk.
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Core Subscription Offer
This includes a 5% discount
on purchases from the setting
improvement menu. A Sheffield
setting who also purchases the
members offer will have a 15% total
Any setting (from Sheffield or
elsewhere) can choose to purchase
this offer to access the content
listed below.
The Core Subscription Offer
contains the following content:
- Termly Leader Seminars
(in-person and recorded)
- Termly Policy Briefings (online
and recorded)
- Annual leadership conference
- One standard Strategic
Leadership course place
- Online festival week
- Research School Programme
- Early Years CPD Programme
- 5% discount on everything
purchased from the improvement
All prices excl. VAT
Leader Seminars
(face to face
and recorded)
The Core Offer will include termly Leadership Seminars. These seminars
will focus on a theme chosen by leaders, provide an opportunity to hear
from top quality speakers and provide an opportunity to network with
colleagues (2023/24 example here).
Policy Briefings
(online and recorded)
These briefings are a new component in the subscription offer. They
will provide a termly briefing for school leaders on key education
policy changes from Ofsted, the DfE, etc. in order to stay up to date
and scan the horizon.
(one ticket)
Core subscribers will have one ticket to our annual leadership
conference, which is likely to take place in the summer term (2023/24 example here).
Leadership Course
(one standard place)
Settings purchasing the Core Subscription will have
one place on a standard Strategic Leadership course.
Further places can be purchased as part of the
Improvement Menu (2023/24 example here).
festival week
(unlimited access)
Core subscribers will have unlimited access to our online
festival week, which will centre around a theme chosen by the
sector in the autumn or spring (2023/24 example here).
We will continue our partnership with Huntington Research
School, and they will deliver a series of online twilights
around key topics (2023/24 example here).
Early Years CPD
This programme will be led by Ruth Swailes and build on the programme
that was offered for the first time in 2023/24. It will include training for
leaders and practitioners (2023/24 example here).
A 5% discount will be added to everything purchased from the
improvement menu (note: a Sheffield setting purchasing the Sheffield
Members and Core Subscription offers will receive a 15% discount in total).