Inclusion Task Force

Inclusion Task Force

About Inclusion Task Force

The Inclusion Taskforce (ITF) is the key part of the SEND governance framework in Sheffield and reports to the Children and Young People’s Delivery Group. We are a cross-sector, school-led group whose membership includes headteachers, parent/carer representatives, leaders across health, care and education services and Local Authority officers.

Our objective is to lead the development of consistent and high-quality inclusive practice across the city. We will do this by:

  • Promoting consistency in the way children’s needs are identified and supported in mainstream schools.
  • Developing and maintaining locality working, relationships and support. Ensuring a robust graduated response.
  • Providing training to the education sector and those working with children and young people with SEND.
  • Playing a key strategic partnership role in SEND improvement work.
  • Providing an education focus within the governance of SEND and inclusion improvement work and reporting to the Children and Young People’s Delivery Group.

The Inclusion Taskforce co-ordinates guidance & resources for the city and provides a core training offer to the city which can also be accessed via the menu above.

If you have questions about SEND and Inclusion please contact those leading within your locality, for example the Strategic Lead Headteacher or the Locality SENCO(s) as identified in the ITF membership page.

For more information about the Inclusion Taskforce contact the Joint Chairs: