Fusion SEND Hub are based at Talbot Specialist School in Sheffield. We provide a range of services around SEND for schools of all phases, from early years to post-16. Over 70 Sheffield schools currently subscribe to a yearly Fusion package of visits, with others using our services on a more ad hoc basis. Our team of Consultant Teachers in SEND work together with schools to help secure the best outcomes for learners.
Find out more at: www.fusionsendhub.co.uk
Contact us at: enquires@fusionsendhub.co.uk
We can provide learning assessments of pupils and generate professional reports. These are often used for evidence of learning needs such as for EHC needs assessments, as well as for providing specific information about strengths and difficulties, and targeted advice. We provide a wide range of other services including support and training around learning difficulties, SEMH, social communication needs, ADHD and more. We also provide work with families and can deliver accredited Team Teach and Moving and Handling training to schools.
Our guiding values are:
- Advocacy – We believe in the rights of young people with SEND to receive the best from their education.
- Responsiveness – We respond to the diverse needs of schools with openness and flexibility. We communicate clearly and quickly.
- Collaboration – We work strategically with schools to meet their needs in the ways which work best for them and their young people.
- Specialism – We bring experience, knowledge and passion for SEND.