Developing Healthy Attitudes
Life Lessons
Through a national RSHE group Learn Sheffield consultants were impressed by the products offered by the company Life lessons. Relatable Sex Education | Life Lessons - Relationships and Sex Education We were particularly impressed by the video content at the heart of Life lessons which includes diverse groups of young people discussing topics across the whole of the RSHE guidance and linked closely to the priorities of the VRU. We were interested to find out how these could be used to introduce diversity into classrooms where that was not present and to support teachers with lower confidence or experience of teaching this subject.
We have offered 16 licences across South Yorkshire with schools who agreed to provide us with evidence of impact. We have also worked closely with the company as the product has developed and they have allowed all schools in South Yorkshire to have access to 10 of the film resources to enrich the DHA Secondary Curriculum.
A summary of the school evaluations will be listed here in November 2023. As well as evaluating this project these evaluations will also serve as a resource for teachers to give suggestions for evaluating other resources easily in a qualitative and quantitative way. With resource budgets so stretched this rigorous evaluation is increasingly important. More information about Life Lessons can be found here:
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