Learn Sheffield Insights Hub

We have developed the Insights Hub to provide a home for the different analysis, reports and contributions to education policy discussions that we produce. These can often be found in the projects section of the website, linked to the specific piece of work which they relate to, but this section of the website gathers them together in one accessible place.

Learn Sheffield is a relatively small organisation, but we believe that being socially responsible and consistently seeking to contribute to system improvement is one of the ways that we can deliver on our purpose, vision and values.

Latest Insights

Alternative Provision in Sheffield

Learn Sheffield has also been commissioned by SCC to work alongside colleagues from the sector and LA to develop a city-wide strategy and operational plan for alternative provision (AP) in the city. Alternative Provision in Sheffield 2025 was published in March.

This report revisited the Alternative Provision in Sheffield Research Study Report which Learn Sheffield led in December 2019, which was also commissioned by SCC. This work has been led by Sai Patel and Steve Shaw and seeks to provide an accurate understanding of the current context in the city.

Sheffield Performance Analysis

The Sheffield Performance Analysis 2024 was published in March 2025. It provides analysis of attainment & progress, Ofsted judgements, attendance, exclusions, SEND and other pupil characteristics. It also identifies the trails for further investigation and the activities that are plabbed to address these in the coming months.

Developing a Sheffield Report Card

We published Developing a Sheffield Report Card in January 2025 to share what we have learned that could be useful when considering a national report card approach. The purpose of this document is to share the content and learning from Learn Sheffield’s work on report cards since September 2022. Our participation in the Local Ed 2025 pilot project has led to us developing and testing two versions of a report card. We are one of the only groups nationally to have spent significant time thinking about the challenges and opportunities around this, and the learning from this should be shared in the context of the development of a national report card.

Learn Sheffield Future Shape

Learn Sheffield Future Shape was published in January 2025 ahead of our AGM on 6 February 2025. It supports the Director’s Strategic Report by providing an update on the way that the organisation has developed since the Independent Evaluation was published in February 2024. This publication responds to the evaluation, describes the way that Learn Sheffield has developed in 2024, and looks ahead to the future shape of the organisation in 2025 and beyond. Our intention, in sharing this document with stakeholders, is to inform the ongoing conversation about the role of Learn Sheffield in the city with our members and partners. The purpose of Learn Sheffield is to enhance the life chances of children and young people in Sheffield. This paper is designed to support reflection about the extent to which our priorities and plans will support our members to achieve this.

Attendance Report

The Good Practice in the improvement of pupils’ attendance in Sheffield Settings report was published in December 2024. Learn Sheffield committed, following a working group in the city, to undertake a piece of work to look at strong practice in the city and produce a report on the learning from this to share across our partnership and more widely. Wide ranging contextual data supported the identification of a small group of schools who appeared to be outperforming their context with regards to pupils’ attendance. Settings were visited to discuss attendance processes and practice and the learning from these conversations, with primary and secondary settings in Sheffield, informed the report.

Sheffield SAFE Taskforce: Annual Report Year 2

The Sheffield SAFE Taskforce: Annual Report Year 2 report was published in December 2024. It provides an overview of the DfE’s SAFE programme in Sheffield and covers the period from September 2023 to September 2024. The report includes further information about the project and the Sheffield Taskforce, and the impact of the project on pupils who have received evidence-based interventions. It also reflects on the findings from the first two years and how this learning will inform the final year of the project and beyond.

Resourced Provision: Quality Standards

The Resourced Provision: Quality Standards were published in October 2024, to support colleagues leading different types of resourced provision by providing a basis for self-evaluation of provision. The standards are part of a package of support from Learn Sheffield to support improvement. They were developed through work with colleagues in Integrated Resources over the past 18 months to develop and test a set of quality standards as a basis from which to evaluate and seek to improve provision. The standards have then been adapted for use in any resourced provision and published to enable colleagues to use them.

DHA Sexual Harassment Report

The DHA Sexual Harassment Report was commissioned by South Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit in 2023 and published in March 2024. It represents the voice of a cross section of secondary school age young people in South Yorkshire to reflect their experience of sexual harassment in their daily lives.

Learn Sheffield Independent Evaluation 2015-2023

The Learn Sheffield Independent Evaluation 2015-2023 was published in February 2024. This external review examined the impact of Learn Sheffield over its first eight years to inform the future shape and work of the organisation.

Sheffield SAFE Taskforce: Annual Report Year 1

The Sheffield SAFE Taskforce: Annual Report Year 1 was published in February 2024. It provides an overview of the Department for Education’s SAFE programme in Sheffield. It covers the period from September 2022 to September 2023.

Insight Report: SEND

The Insight Report: SEND was published in February 2024 to explore how needs have changed in the city and consider why this might be, and how we might improve the experiences of children and young people. This report was a starting point for the development of a new approach to speech, language and communication strategy in Sheffield.

Insight Report: Attendance

The Insight Report: Attendance was published in February 2024, following an interim report in November 2023. It supported a civic working group relating to attendance and provides analysis on the pattern of absence in the city and the relationship between attendance and attainment.

Sheffield Performance Analysis 2023

The Sheffield Performance Analysis 2023 was published in January 2024. It provides analysis of attainment & progress, Ofsted judgements, attendance, exclusions, SEND and other pupil characteristics.

Coming Soon

We are currently working on the following content:

  • Report Cards: Learning from the Sheffield project
  • Sheffield Performance Analysis 2024
  • Better lives for Sheffield children with additional needs: a manifesto