Suspension and Exclusion Training for Governors & TrusteesTraining
Date: 13 March 2024 Time: 18:00 - 20:00
- The Department for Education Suspensions and Exclusions Guidance requires Governors to receive training before being on Governing Board Disciplinary Committee (GBDC). A permanent exclusion can happen at any time and Governors need to be prepared and trained. Following a permanent exclusion the Chair of Governors has 15 days to source available trained Governors, plan and prepare for, and hold the GDBC hearing, leaving little time to source external Governors. It is recommended therefore that every Governing Board has at least 2 trained Governors.
- It is essential that governors/trustees are fully informed of the statutory guidance and legal framework around suspensions and exclusions as they may be required to participate in the process in the event of a permanent exclusion.
- Governors/trustees are also required by the guidance to have an oversight to ensure that they review data and consider the level of pupil moves and the characteristics of pupils who have been permanently excluded or suspended to ensure the sanction is only used when necessary, as a last resort.
- The sessions will cover the statutory framework for suspensions and exclusions, highlight new requirements introduced by the guidance, the school behaviour policy, Managed Moves and Off-Site Direction, Independent Review Panels and the responsibility for Governing Bodies and Boards.
This session is run by John Bigley, Admissions and Access Team at Sheffield City Council
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