Data Analysis Service
The Data Analysis Service, as part of the Learn Sheffield subscription, is currently under review.
The information below will support colleagues who wish to access data services, but will be updated (as some of the examples are out of date) once this review has been completed. If a subscribing school requires data support in the meantime, they should contact Stephen Betts ( or call 0114 250 7417.
The Data Analysis Service provides end of key stage and contextual information in one place to help you identify priorities for your school quickly and easily. Reports are available at individual school level and also to support schools working together, for example within localities. Reports and other data resources are available on the Sheffield Schools’ Data Hub.
A standard set of reports is available as part of the school improvement and partnership core offers. Bespoke data analysis is also available for individual or groups of schools. Click on the links below to find out more and to view some example reports.
Contact us on or phone 0114 250 7417 for more information.
School Improvement Core Offer (Primary)
The school improvement core offer for primary includes:
- Email and telephone support for any data enquiries
- School summary report
- Analysis of end of key stage data from foundation stage to key stage 2 including trend analysis and pupil groups
- Pupil attendance tracking reports to support identification and intervention for pupils with low attendance
- Half-termly attendance data pack
- Half-termly exclusions report
- An early view of end of key stage data in the summer term including the end of term Primary Data Briefing
- Access to annual data training for 2 members of staff

School Improvement Core Offer (Secondary)
The school improvement core offer for secondary includes:
- Email and telephone support for any data enquiries
- School summary report
- Analysis of end of key stage 4 data including trend analysis and pupil groups
- Pupil attendance tracking reports to support identification and intervention for pupils with low attendance
- Half-termly attendance data pack
- Half-termly exclusions report
- Analysis of annual destination and activity data
- Pupil level data and whole cohort contextual summary for Y7 transfer group in July
- Access to the Exams Calculator for in-year results analysis
- Access to annual data training for 2 members of staff

Partnership Core Offer
The data element of the partnership core offer includes an annual locality data pack to support schools working together to help identify local priorities as well as where schools may require collective support.

Bespoke Analysis
Bespoke analysis is available to provide your school or a group of schools with reports tailored to your specific needs. Examples of work include:
- Multi-school dashboard
- Analysis of IDSR and ASP reports
- Support with reporting in-year assessment data across a MAT
- Customised demographic reporting
Bespoke analysis is charged by the day or can be purchased using your subscription credits. Please contact us on or phone 0114 250 7417 to discuss your requirements.