Attendance Report Published

Published: 13 December 2024
Learn Sheffield have produced a report about what works in relation to attendance. Good Practice in the improvement of pupils’ attendance in Sheffield Settings has been published on the Learn Sheffield Insight Hub. In addition to identifying the features of good practice, the report also includes a list of questions in relation to attendance.

Last academic year, Learn Sheffield supported a working group (chaired by Greg Fell – Director of Public Health in Sheffield) which was focused on attendance. Learn Sheffield committed to undertake a piece of work to look at strong practice in the city and produce a report on the learning from this to share with our partnership settings and more widely.

We used a wide range of contextual data to help us to identify a small group of schools who appeared to be outperforming their context with regards to pupils’ attendance. Helen Lane and Fiona Gowers visited this group of schools to discuss their attendance processes and practice. The learning from these conversations, with primary and secondary settings in Sheffield, has informed the report, which is available here: 

We hope that you will find Good Practice in the improvement of pupils’ attendance in Sheffield Settings useful. In addition to identifying the features of good practice, the report also includes a list of questions in relation to attendance, which school leaders may find helpful.

The report will also be discussed by the original working group, to identify any further steps.
