Alternative Provision Report Published

Published: 4 March 2025
Learn Sheffield have published 'Alternative Provision in Sheffield 2025' which follows a commission from SCC to support the development of a city-wide strategy for alternative provision. This report revisits a report that Learn Sheffield produced in December 2019 to provide the basis for discussions with colleagues across the sector and LA.

Learn Sheffield has also been commissioned by SCC to work alongside colleagues from the sector and LA to develop a city-wide strategy and operational plan for alternative provision (AP) in the city.

We have revisited the Alternative Provision in Sheffield Research Study Report which Learn Sheffield led in December 2019, which was also commissioned by SCC. This work has been led by Sai Patel and Steve Shaw and seeks to provide an accurate understanding of the current context in the city.

We had adjusted the timeline for this work so that this AP work is linked to the SEND Manifesto work. This will reduce risks and increase opportunities for this work to connect or build on it, given that both relate to children and young people who require something additional or different.

The Alternative Provision in Sheffield 2025  is below and will be shared with sector partners alongside SCC colleagues in the coming weeks.
