Cultural Education Survey

Published: 29 July 2016
A survey for school leaders about cultural education.

We have been asked to share the survey below by one of our partners.  The outcomes will feed in to some work in early September to develop a Sheffield Local Cultural Education Partnership (LCEP). More about this will follow once term starts! 

Sheffield has been targeted as an area for development as part of Arts Council England’s Cultural Education Challenge.  This national challenge is a call for the arts, culture and education sectors to work together to ensure that every child in Sheffield has a high quality arts and culture education. 


We need to establish a baseline to understand how children are currently engaging with arts and culture through schools and colleges in Sheffield.  To this end, we would be very grateful if you could take 5 minutes to fill in the survey, ideally  before 30th August 2016 to let us know how your school currently engages with the arts and culture sectors in the city.  
Click on the link below:
